
October 29, 2011

'Here in an Isolated Place': 'E.H.W.' from Camp Nevin

Camp Nevin (HW 12/7/1861)

It's now three days and three letters published from the 79th Pennsylvania's new camp, Camp Nevin, Hardin County, Kentucky.  This letter, by Corp. Elias H. Witmer, touches on many of the same topics as the previous letters by O.C.M. Caines and W. Wilberforce Nevin, so I won't add much too it.  The only thing to notice is the issue of how the citizens of Kentucky and Tennessee--loyal and "secesh"--respond to the presence of Union armies there. Interactions with the civilian population of Kentucky and Tennessee town will play an important role in the regiment's history over the first two years of the war, especially because the 79th Pennsylvania spent much of its first two years of the war running around those two states on detached duty attempting to protect towns and railroads.

From the November 2, 1861, Daily Evening Express: (alternate link)

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