
March 25, 2012

Announcing a Presentation on Trinity Lutheran Church and the Civil War

Engraving of Trinity Lutheran Church
Commissioned in 1861 as part of book
commemorating the 100th anniversary
of the laying of the church's cornerstone
On Sunday, May 13th, I'll be returning to Lancaster to give a lecture at Trinity Lutheran Church on the history of that congregation and the Civil War. The 150th anniversary of the Lutheran General Synod convention--which resulted in a statement on the war and slavery--held at Trinity in May 1862 provides the occasion for the lecture, but I'll also talk about how the congregation and its surrounding community experienced the Civil War.

Location: Trinity Lutheran Church, 31 S. Duke St., Lancaster, PA
Fondersmith Auditorium
(Yes, I believe there is a family connection to the 79th Pennsylvania color bearer H. Binney Vondersmith whose bravery is commemorated in the regiment's monument at Chickamauga.)

Date: 9:45am-10:45am, Sunday, May 13, 2012
(This is the church's "Christian Education hour" between 8:30am and 11:00am worship services)

I hope to see you there!

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